
36 lines
712 B

# Golang Delete AWS ECR Image Tool
## Compile Code
``` bash
$ go get -v -u ./...
$ go build -o go-ecr-delete-image .
## Usage
$ ./go-ecr-delete-image -h
Usage of ./go-ecr-delete-image:
-e value
exlude delete tag
-keep int
keep number images (default 5)
list all repository
-profile string
aws config profile
-repo string
repository name
## Example 1
# use env pass access_key and secret_key
$ AWS_ACCESS_KEY=key AWS_SECRET_KEY=key ./go-ecr-delete-image -e exclude1 -e exclude2 -repo repoName -keep 5
## Example 2
# use aws configure
$ ./go-ecr-delete-image -profile default -e exclude1 -e exclude2 -repo repoName -keep 5