import javascript from '../../../src/js/parser/javascript/parser.js'; import Snap from 'snapsvg'; import _ from 'lodash'; describe('parser/javascript/root.js', function() { _.forIn({ 'test': { flags: [], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) }, '/test/': { flags: [], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) }, '/test/i': { flags: ['Ignore Case'], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) }, '/test/g': { flags: ['Global'], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) }, '/test/m': { flags: ['Multiline'], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) }, '/test/mgi': { flags: ['Global', 'Ignore Case', 'Multiline'], regexp: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'test' }) } }, (content, str) => { it(`parses "${str}" as a Root`, function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser(str); expect(parser.__consume__root()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(content)); }); }); describe('#_render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.textElement = jasmine.createSpyObj('text', ['getBBox']); this.textElement.getBBox.and.returnValue({ height: 20 }); this.node = new javascript.Parser('test').__consume__root(); this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', [ 'addClass', 'text', 'group', 'path', 'circle' ]); this.node.container.text.and.returnValue(this.textElement);'group element'); this.node.regexp = jasmine.createSpyObj('regexp', [ 'render', 'transform', 'getBBox' ]); this.renderDeferred = this.testablePromise(); this.node.regexp.render.and.returnValue(this.renderDeferred.promise); }); it('renders the regexp', function() { this.node._render(); expect(this.node.regexp.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith('group element'); }); describe('when there are flags', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.flags = ['example', 'flags']; }); it('renders a text element', function() { this.node._render(); expect(this.node.container.text).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0, 'Flags: example, flags'); }); }); describe('when there are no flags', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.flags = []; }); it('does not render a text element', function() { this.node._render(); expect(this.node.container.text).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('positioning of elements', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.renderDeferred.resolve(); this.node.regexp.getBBox.and.returnValue({ ax: 1, ay: 2, ax2: 3, x2: 4 }); }); it('renders a path element to lead in and out of the regexp', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(() => { expect(this.node.container.path).toHaveBeenCalledWith('M1,2H0M3,2H14'); done(); }); }); it('renders circle elements before and after the regexp', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(() => { expect(, 2, 5); expect(, 2, 5); done(); }); }); describe('when there are flags', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.flags = ['example']; }); it('moves the regexp below the flag text', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(() => { expect(this.node.regexp.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(10, 20)); done(); }); }); }); describe('when there are no flags', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.flags = []; }); it('positions the regexp', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(() => { expect(this.node.regexp.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(10, 0)); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });