// Styles are in JS instead of CSS so they will be inlined as attributes // instead of served as a CSS file. This is so styles are included in // downloaded SVG files. //const green = '#bada55'; const brown = '#6b6659'; //const tan = '#cbcbba'; const black = '#000'; const white = '#fff'; //const red = '#b3151a'; //const orange = '#fa0'; const fontFamily = 'Arial'; const fontSize = '16px'; const fontSizeSmall = '12px'; const strokeBase = { strokeWidth: '2px', stroke: black }; export default { image: { backgroundColor: white }, connectors: { fillOpacity: 0, ...strokeBase }, text: { fontSize: fontSize, fontFamily: fontFamily }, infoText: { fontSize: fontSizeSmall, fontFamily: fontFamily, dominantBaseline: 'text-after-edge' }, pin: { fill: brown, ...strokeBase } };