import util from '../../util.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Q from 'q'; export default { type: 'match', definedProperties: { _anchor: { get: function() { var start = util.normalizeBBox(this.start.getBBox()), end = util.normalizeBBox(this.end.getBBox()), matrix = this.transform().localMatrix; return { ax: matrix.x(, start.ay), ax2: matrix.x(end.ax2, end.ay), ay: matrix.y(, start.ay) }; } } }, _render() { var start, end, partPromises, items; if (this.anchorStart) { start = this.renderLabel('Start of line') .invoke('addClass', 'anchor'); } if (this.anchorEnd) { end = this.renderLabel('End of line') .invoke('addClass', 'anchor'); } partPromises =, part => { return part.render(; }); items = _([start, partPromises, end]).flatten().compact().value(); if (items.length === 0) { items = []; } return Q.all(items) .then(items => { this.start = _.first(items); this.end = _.last(items); util.spaceHorizontally(items, { padding: 10 }); this.container.prepend( this.container.path(this.connectorPaths(items).join(''))); }); }, connectorPaths(items) { var prev, next; prev = util.normalizeBBox(_.first(items).getBBox()); return, item => { try { next = util.normalizeBBox(item.getBBox()); return `M${prev.ax2},${prev.ay}H${}`; } finally { prev = next; } }); }, setup() { = _.reduce(, function(result, node) { var last = _.last(result); if (last && node.canMerge && last.canMerge) { last.content.merge(node.content); } else { result.push(node); } return result; }, []); this.anchorStart = ( !== ''); this.anchorEnd = ( !== ''); if (!this.anchorStart && !this.anchorEnd && === 1) { this.proxy =[0]; } } };