import javascript from '../../../src/js/parser/javascript/parser.js'; import Snap from 'snapsvg'; describe('parser/javascript/literal.js', function() { it('parses "x" as a Literal', function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser('x'); expect(parser.__consume__terminal()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ type: 'literal', literal: 'x', ordinal: 120 })); }); it('parses "\\x" as a Literal', function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser('\\x'); expect(parser.__consume__terminal()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ type: 'literal', literal: 'x', ordinal: 120 })); }); describe('#_render', function() { beforeEach(function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser('a'); this.node = parser.__consume__terminal(); this.node.state = {}; this.svg = Snap(document.createElement('svg')); this.node.container =; spyOn(this.node, 'renderLabel').and.callThrough(); }); it('renders a label', function() { this.node._render(); expect(this.node.renderLabel).toHaveBeenCalledWith(['\u201c', 'a', '\u201d']); }); it('sets the class of the first and third tspan to "quote"', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(label => { expect(label.selectAll('tspan')[0].hasClass('quote')).toBeTruthy(); expect(label.selectAll('tspan')[2].hasClass('quote')).toBeTruthy(); done(); }); }); it('sets the edge radius of the rect', function(done) { this.node._render() .then(label => { expect('rect').attr()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining({ rx: '3', ry: '3' })); done(); }); }); }); describe('#merge', function() { beforeEach(function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser('a'); this.node = parser.__consume__terminal(); }); it('appends to the literal value', function() { this.node.merge({ literal: 'b' }); expect(this.node.literal).toEqual('ab'); }); }); });