import Node from 'src/js/parser/javascript/node.js'; import Snap from 'snapsvg'; describe('parser/javascript/node.js', function() { beforeEach(function() { Node.state = {}; this.node = new Node(); }); it('references the state from Node.state', function() { Node.state.example = 'example state'; expect(this.node.state.example).toEqual('example state'); }); describe('module setter', function() { it('extends the node with the module', function() { this.node.module = { example: 'value' }; expect(this.node.example).toEqual('value'); }); it('calls the module #setup method', function() { var setup = jasmine.createSpy('setup'); this.node.module = { setup }; expect(setup).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('sets up any defined properties', function() { this.node.module = { definedProperties: { example: { get: function() { return 'value'; } } } }; expect(this.node.example).toEqual('value'); }); }); describe('container setter', function() { it('adds a class to the container element', function() { var container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass']); this.node.type = 'example type'; this.node.container = container; expect(container.addClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example type'); }); }); describe('anchor getter', function() { describe('when a proxy node is used', function() { it('returns the anchor from the proxy', function() { this.node.proxy = { anchor: 'example anchor' }; expect(this.node.anchor).toEqual('example anchor'); }); }); describe('when a proxy node is not used', function() { it('returns _anchor of the node', function() { this.node._anchor = { example: 'value' }; expect(this.node.anchor).toEqual({ example: 'value' }); }); }); }); describe('#getBBox', function() { it('returns the normalized bbox of the container merged with the anchor', function() { this.node.proxy = { anchor: { anchor: 'example anchor' } }; this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass', 'getBBox']); this.node.container.getBBox.and.returnValue({ bbox: 'example bbox', x: 'left', x2: 'right', cy: 'center' }); expect(this.node.getBBox()).toEqual({ bbox: 'example bbox', anchor: 'example anchor', x: 'left', x2: 'right', cy: 'center', ax: 'left', ax2: 'right', ay: 'center' }); }); }); describe('#transform', function() { it('returns the result of calling transform on the container', function() { this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass', 'transform']); this.node.container.transform.and.returnValue('transform result'); expect(this.node.transform('matrix')).toEqual('transform result'); expect(this.node.container.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith('matrix'); }); }); describe('#deferredStep', function() { it('resolves the returned promise when the render is not canceled', function(done) { var resolve = jasmine.createSpy('resolve'), reject = jasmine.createSpy('reject'); this.node.deferredStep('result') .then(resolve, reject) .then(() => { expect(resolve).toHaveBeenCalledWith('result'); expect(reject).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); it('rejects the returned promise when the render is canceled', function(done) { var resolve = jasmine.createSpy('resolve'), reject = jasmine.createSpy('reject'); this.node.state.cancelRender = true; this.node.deferredStep('result', 'value') .then(resolve, reject) .then(() => { expect(resolve).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(reject).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Render cancelled'); done(); }); }); }); describe('#renderLabel', function() { beforeEach(function() { = jasmine.createSpyObj('group', ['addClass', 'rect', 'text']);; this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass', 'group']);; }); it('adds a "label" class to the group', function() { this.node.renderLabel('example label'); expect('label'); }); it('creates a rect element', function() { this.node.renderLabel('example label'); expect(; }); it('creates a text element', function() { this.node.renderLabel('example label'); expect(, 0, ['example label']); }); describe('positioning of label elements', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.text = jasmine.createSpyObj('text', ['getBBox', 'transform']); this.rect = jasmine.createSpyObj('rect', ['attr']); this.text.getBBox.and.returnValue({ width: 42, height: 24 });;; }); it('transforms the text element', function(done) { this.node.renderLabel('example label') .then(() => { expect(this.text.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(5, 22)); done(); }); }); it('sets the dimensions of the rect element', function(done) { this.node.renderLabel('example label') .then(() => { expect(this.rect.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ width: 52, height: 34 }); done(); }); }); it('resolves with the group element', function(done) { this.node.renderLabel('example label') .then(group => { expect(group).toEqual(; done(); }); }); }); }); describe('#render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass']); }); describe('when a proxy node is used', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.proxy = jasmine.createSpyObj('proxy', ['render']); this.node.proxy.render.and.returnValue('example proxy result'); }); it('sets the container', function() { this.node.render(this.container); expect(this.node.container).toEqual(this.container); }); it('calls the proxy render method', function() { expect(this.node.render(this.container)).toEqual('example proxy result'); expect(this.node.proxy.render).toHaveBeenCalledWith(this.container); }); }); describe('when a proxy node is not used', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.deferred = this.testablePromise(); this.node._render = jasmine.createSpy('_render').and.returnValue(this.deferred.promise); }); it('sets the container', function() { this.node.render(this.container); expect(this.node.container).toEqual(this.container); }); it('increments the renderCounter', function() { this.node.state.renderCounter = 0; this.node.render(this.container); expect(this.node.state.renderCounter).toEqual(1); }); it('calls #_render', function() { this.node.render(this.container); expect(this.node._render).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when #_render is complete', function() { it('decrements the renderCounter', function(done) { this.node.render(this.container) .then(() => { expect(this.node.state.renderCounter).toEqual(41); done(); }); this.node.state.renderCounter = 42; this.deferred.resolve(); }); it('ultimately resolves with the node instance', function(done) { this.deferred.resolve(); this.node.render(this.container) .then(result => { expect(result).toEqual(this.node); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('#renderLabeledBox', function() { beforeEach(function() { var svg = Snap(document.createElement('svg')); this.text = svg.text(); this.rect = svg.rect(); this.content = svg.rect(); this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', ['addClass', 'text', 'rect', 'prepend']); this.node.container.text.and.returnValue(this.text); this.node.container.rect.and.returnValue(this.rect); this.node.type = 'example-type'; }); it('creates a text element', function() { this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }); expect(this.node.container.text).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0, ['example label']); }); it('sets the class on the text element', function() { spyOn(this.text, 'addClass').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }); expect(this.text.addClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example-type-label'); }); it('creates a rect element', function() { this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }); expect(this.node.container.rect).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('sets the class on the rect element', function() { spyOn(this.rect, 'addClass').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }); expect(this.rect.addClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('example-type-box'); }); it('sets the corner radius on the rect element', function() { spyOn(this.rect, 'attr').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }); expect(this.rect.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ rx: 3, ry: 3 }); }); describe('positioning of elements', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(this.text, 'getBBox').and.returnValue({ width: 100, height: 20 }); spyOn(this.content, 'getBBox').and.returnValue({ width: 200, height: 100, cx: 100 }); }); it('positions the text element', function(done) { spyOn(this.text, 'transform').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }) .then(() => { expect(this.text.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(0, 20)); done(); }); }); it('positions the rect element', function(done) { spyOn(this.rect, 'transform').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }) .then(() => { expect(this.rect.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(0, 20)); done(); }); }); it('sets the dimensions of the rect element', function(done) { spyOn(this.rect, 'attr').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }) .then(() => { expect(this.rect.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ width: 210, height: 110 }); done(); }); }); it('sets the dimensions of the rect element (based on the text element)', function(done) { this.content.getBBox.and.returnValue({ width: 50, height: 100, cx: 25 }); spyOn(this.rect, 'attr').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }) .then(() => { expect(this.rect.attr).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ width: 100, height: 110 }); done(); }); }); it('positions the content element', function(done) { spyOn(this.content, 'transform').and.callThrough(); this.node.renderLabeledBox('example label', this.content, { padding: 5 }) .then(() => { expect(this.content.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(5, 25)); done(); }); }); }); }); });