import ParserState from 'src/js/parser/javascript/parser_state.js'; describe('parser/javascript/parser_state.js', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.progress = { style: {} }; this.state = new ParserState(this.progress); }); describe('renderCounter property', function() { it('sets the width of the progress element to the percent of completed steps', function() { this.state.renderCounter = 50; expect('0.00%'); this.state.renderCounter = 10; expect('80.00%'); }); it('does not change the width of the progress element when rendering has been cancelled', function() { this.state.renderCounter = 50; this.state.renderCounter = 40; expect('20.00%'); this.state.cancelRender = true; this.state.renderCounter = 10; expect('20.00%'); }); }); });