import javascript from 'src/js/parser/javascript/parser.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import Snap from 'snapsvg'; import Q from 'q'; describe('parser/javascript/match_fragment.js', function() { _.forIn({ 'a': { proxy: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'a' }), canMerge: true }, '\\b': { proxy: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: '\\b' }), canMerge: false }, 'a*': { content: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: 'a' }), repeat: jasmine.objectContaining({ textValue: '*' }), canMerge: false } }, (content, str) => { it(`parses "${str}" as a MatchFragment`, function() { var parser = new javascript.Parser(str); expect(parser.__consume__match_fragment()).toEqual(jasmine.objectContaining(content)); }); }); describe('_anchor property', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node = new javascript.Parser('a').__consume__match_fragment(); this.node.content = { anchor: { ax: 1, ax2: 2, ay: 3 } }; spyOn(this.node, 'transform').and.returnValue({ localMatrix: Snap.matrix().translate(10, 20) }); }); it('applies the local transform to the content anchor', function() { expect(this.node._anchor).toEqual({ ax: 11, ax2: 12, ay: 23 }); }); }); describe('#_render', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node = new javascript.Parser('a').__consume__match_fragment(); }); pending(); }); describe('#skipPath', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node = new javascript.Parser('a').__consume__match_fragment(); }); pending(); }); describe('#loopPath', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node = new javascript.Parser('a').__consume__match_fragment(); this.node.repeat = {}; = { x: 11, x2: 22, ay: 33, y2: 44, width: 55 }; }); it('returns nothing when there is no loop', function() { this.node.repeat.hasLoop = false; expect(this.node.loopPath([]); }); it('returns a path when there is a loop', function() { this.node.repeat.hasLoop = true; this.node.repeat.greedy = false; expect(this.node.loopPath([ 'M11,33q-10,0 -10,10v1q0,10 10,10h55q10,0 10,-10v-1q0,-10 -10,-10' ]); }); it('returns a path with arrow when there is a greedy loop', function() { this.node.repeat.hasLoop = true; this.node.repeat.greedy = true; expect(this.node.loopPath([ 'M11,33q-10,0 -10,10v1q0,10 10,10h55q10,0 10,-10v-1q0,-10 -10,-10', 'M32,48l5,-5m-5,5l-5,-5' ]); }); }); describe('#loopLabel', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node = new javascript.Parser('a').__consume__match_fragment(); this.node.repeat = {}; this.node.container = jasmine.createSpyObj('container', [ 'addClass', 'text' ]); this.text = jasmine.createSpyObj('text', [ 'addClass', 'getBBox', 'transform' ]); this.node.container.text.and.returnValue(this.text); this.text.addClass.and.returnValue(this.text); this.text.getBBox.and.returnValue({ width: 11, height: 22 }); spyOn(this.node, 'getBBox').and.returnValue({ x2: 33, y2: 44 }); }); describe('when a label is defined', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.repeat.label = 'example label'; }); it('renders a text element', function() { this.node.loopLabel(); expect(this.node.container.text).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, 0, 'example label'); }); describe('when there is a skip loop', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.repeat.hasSkip = true; }); it('positions the text element', function() { this.node.loopLabel(); expect(this.text.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(17, 66)); }); }); describe('when there is no skip loop', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.node.repeat.hasSkip = false; }); it('positions the text element', function() { this.node.loopLabel(); expect(this.text.transform).toHaveBeenCalledWith(Snap.matrix() .translate(22, 66)); }); }); }); describe('when a label is not defined', function() { it('does not render a text element', function() { this.node.loopLabel(); expect(this.node.container.text).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); });