Adding documentation about configuration via environment variables

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Avallone 2018-05-28 10:54:24 -04:00
parent 7aa95e092b
commit a22e858648

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@ -33,6 +33,19 @@ To start a development server, run:
* `yarn test:bundle-analyzer` - Generate webpack-bundle-analyzer report
* `yarn i18n:scrub` - Scrubs i18n locale configs. Adds missing keys and normalizes YAML formatting
## Configuration
Several environment variables are used to configure the application at build-time. None of these values are required during testing.
* `NODE_ENV` - Effects build-time optimizations. Set to `"production"` for builds and unit tests in package.json. Setting to anything else will show a banner in the application's header.
* `GA_PROPERTY` - Google Analytics property ID.
* `SENTRY_KEY` - DSN key for error reporting.
* `CIRCLE_BRANCH`, `CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM`, and `CIRCLE_SHA1` - CircleCI values used to generate build ID. Displayed in application footer and used in error reports.
* `DEPLOY_BUCKET` - AWS S3 bucket to deploy application to when running `yarn deploy`.
* `DEPLOY_ENV` - Environment the applicatoin will be deployed to. Used to report environment in error reports. Typically set to either "preview" or "production".
* `BANNER` - Text to display in header banner. Generally generated from `NODE_ENV`
* `BUILD_ID` - Application build ID. Generated from `CIRCLE_BRANCH`, `CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM`, and `CIRCLE_SHA1` if not set.
## License
See [LICENSE.txt](/LICENSE.txt) file for licensing details.