const Router = require('koa-router') const { genError, checkSession, resObject, chkObject, toInt } = require('@libs/route-utils') const r = new Router() const evt = require('@root/event') const koaBody = require('koa-body') const typeTwitch = async (c, n) => { let text = `select * from "public"."twitch_channel" where "id" = $1` let values = [] let result = await c.db.query({text, values}) c.state.channelList = result.rows return n() } const typeSystem = async (c, n) => { let text = `select * from "public"."twitch_channel" order by "name" asc` let values = [] let result = await c.db.query({text, values}) c.state.channelList = result.rows return n() } const getChannelList = async (c, n) => { if (c.session.loginType === 'twitch') { return typeTwitch(c, n) } else if (c.session.loginType === 'system') { return typeSystem(c, n) } throw genError('Forbidden') } const hasChannel = (key = '') => { if (typeof key !== 'string' || key.trim().length === 0) key = 'chid' key = key.trim() return async (c, n) => { if (!('channelList' in c.state) || !Array.isArray(c.state.channelList)) throw genError('InternalError') let chid = c.params[key] || '' c.state.chid = chid let chk = chkObject.bind({body: {chid}}) if (!chk('chid', 'string')) throw genError('DataFormat') if (c.state.channelList.length === 0) throw genError('NotFound', 'channel not found') let channel = c.state.channelList.filter(t => === chid) if (channel.length === 0) throw genError('NotFound', 'channel not found') = channel[0] return n() } } r.get('/channels', checkSession, getChannelList, async (c, n) => { if (!('channelList' in c.state) || !Array.isArray(c.state.channelList)) throw genError('InternalError') c.obj = resObject('Success', { list: c.state.channelList }) }) r.get('/channel/:chid', checkSession, getChannelList, hasChannel('chid'), async (c, n) => { c.obj = resObject('Success', {channel:}) }) r.put('/channel/:chid/botjoin', checkSession, getChannelList, hasChannel('chid'), koaBody(), async (c, n) => { if (!c.chkBody('join', 'number')) throw genError('DataFormat') let join = toInt(c.request.body.join, 0, 0, 1) let text = `update "public"."twitch_channel" set "join" = $1 where "id" = $2` let values = [!!join,] await c.db.query({ text, values }) evt.emit(join ? 'twitchJoin' : 'twitchLeave', c.obj = resObject('Success') }) r.put('/channel/:chid/opay', checkSession, getChannelList, hasChannel('chid'), koaBody(), async (c, n) => { if (!c.chkBody('opay', 'string', true)) throw genError('DataFormat') let text = `update "public"."twitch_channel" set "opayid" = $1 where "id" = $2` let values = [c.request.body.opay,] await c.db.query({ text, values }) c.obj = resObject('Success') }) r.get('/channel/:chid/opay/setting', checkSession, getChannelList, hasChannel('chid'), async (c, n) => { let text = `select ds.* from "public"."donate_setting" ds left join "public"."twitch_channel" tw on = ds.twitch where = $1 and tw.opayid != '' limit 1` let values = [] let result = await c.db.query({ text, values }) c.obj = resObject('Success', { setting: result.rowCount === 0 ? {} : result.rows[0] }) }) r.put('/channel/:chid/opay/setting', checkSession, getChannelList, hasChannel('chid'), koaBody(), async (c, n) => { if (!c.chkBody('start', 'number') || !c.chkBody('end', 'number') || !c.chkBody('title', 'string') || !c.chkBody('amount', 'number')) throw genError('DataFormat') let sts = toInt(c.request.body.start, 0, 0) let ets = toInt(c.request.body.end, 0, 0) let amount = toInt(c.request.body.amount, 0, 0) let sd = new Date(sts) let ed = new Date(ets) let text = `insert into "public"."donate_setting" ("twitch", "start_date", "end_date", "target_amount", "title") values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) on CONFLICT ("twitch") DO UPDATE set "start_date" = $2, "end_date" = $3, "target_amount" = $4, "title" = $5` let values = [, sd, ed, amount, c.request.body.title] await c.db.query({ text, values }) c.obj = resObject('Success') }) r.get('/channel/:chid/opay/bar', async (c, n) => { let chid = c.params.chid || '' if (typeof chid !== 'string' || chid.trim().length === 0) throw genError('DataFormat') let text = `select ds.* from "public"."donate_setting" ds left join "public"."twitch_channel" tw on = ds.twitch where tw.opayid != '' and = $1` let values = [chid] let result = await c.db.query({ text, values }) let setting = {} if (result.rowCount === 0) setting = {} setting = result.rows[0] c.obj = resObject('Success', {setting}) }) module.exports = r