const DB = require('@libs/database') const actions = require('./actions') const parseCMD = async (text = '', source = {}) => { if (typeof text !== 'string' || text.trim().length === 0) return null if (!source || typeof source !== 'object' || !('type' in source)) return null let txt = text.trim() let arr = txt.split(' ').map(t => t.trim()) if (arr.length === 0) return null let cmdMsg = false if (arr[0][0] === '!') cmdMsg = true let cmd = arr[0].replace(/^!/, '') cmd = cmd.toLowerCase() let db = await DB.connect() let reply = null try { // query normal command if (cmdMsg) { let result = await db.query({ text: `select "message", "group" from "public"."commands" where "cmd" = $1 and ("group" = '' or "group" = $2)`, values: [cmd, source.groupId] }) if (result.rowCount > 0) { let obj = result.rows.filter(t => === source.groupId) if (obj.length === 0) obj = result.rows[0] else obj = obj[0] let content = obj.message let m = content.match(/{{(.+?)}}/g) if (m !== null && m.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { let c = m[i].replace(/^{{/, '').replace(/}}$/, '') let carr = c.split('=') if (carr.length > 1) c = carr let res = await actions(c, arr.slice(1).join(' '), source) content = content.replace(m[i], res || '') } } if (content.trim().length > 0) { reply = { reply: content } } } } if (reply === null) { console.log('enter key command') // query keyword commands let keyCMD = await db.query({ text: `select "message", "group", "key" from "public"."key_commands" where ("group" = '' or "group" = $1)`, values: [source.groupId] }) console.log(keyCMD.rows) if (keyCMD.rowCount > 0) { let obj = keyCMD.rows.filter(t => === '') let obj2 = keyCMD.rows.filter(t => === source.groupId) obj = => { for (let i of obj2) { if (i.key === t.key && !== '') return i } return t }) let tmp = obj2.filter(t => { for (let i of obj) { if (i.key === t.key) return false } return true }) obj = [...obj, ...tmp] let regex = null let txt = '' console.log('obj ::: ', obj) for (let i of obj) { i.key = i.key.replace(/(\+|\[|\]|\*|\$|\^|\(|\))/g, '\\$1') txt += (txt.length > 0 ? '|' : '') + i.key } regex = new RegExp(`^(${txt})$`) console.log(regex) let m = text.match(regex) console.log('match :::: ', m) if (m !== null && m.length > 0) { let key = obj.filter(t => t.key === m[0]) if (key.length > 0) { let content = key[0].message let m = content.match(/{{(.+?)}}/g) if (m !== null && m.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < m.length; i++) { let c = m[i].replace(/^{{/, '').replace(/}}$/, '') let carr = c.split('=') if (carr.length > 1) c = carr let res = await actions(c, text, source) content = content.replace(m[i], res || '') } } if (content.trim().length > 0) { reply = { reply: content } } } } } } } catch (err) { console.log(err) } db.release() return reply } module.exports = parseCMD