const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const rt = require('../ResTool'); const config = require('../../config.json'); const fs = require('fs'); const mysql = require('../../libs/mysql_pool'); const tool = require('../../includes/apiTool'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const so = require('../../includes/storeObject'); const crypt = require('../../libs/crypto'); router .get('/', (req, res) => { res.send({ name: 'WebIO Wristband API' }); }) .get('/pushdata', async(req, res, n) => { try { res.db = await mysql.getConn(); } catch (e) { console.log(`Get DB Connection ERROR ${e}`); return n('ERR8100'); } let arr = req.query; if (!arr.mac) return n('ERR0000'); if (!arr.devid) return n('ERR0000'); let query = "insert into ??.?? values (null, ?, ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,unix_timestamp())"; let param = [ config.db.db9, 'rawdata', arr.devid || '', arr.mac || '', arr.val2 || '', arr.val3 || '', arr.val4 || '', arr.val5 || '', arr.val6 || '', arr.val7 || '', arr.val8 || '', arr.val9 || '', arr.val10 || '', arr.val11 || '', arr.timestamp || '', ]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return n('ERR8001'); res.api_res = { record: [] }; let q = "select count(*) as c from ??.?? where `mac` = ?"; let p = [config.db.db9, 'wristband', arr.mac]; res.db.query(q, p, (err, row) => { let pros = []; if (!(err || row.length == 0 || row[0].c > 0)) { let q = "insert into ??.?? (`mac`, `name`, `cuser`, `muser`, `ctime`, `mtime`) values (?, '', 'API', 'API', unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp())"; let p = [config.db.db9, 'wristband', arr.mac]; pros.push(tool.promiseQuery(res, q, p, 'q1')); } let lq = "insert into ??.?? (`mac`, `devid`, `val2`, `val3`, `val4`, `val5`, `val6`, `val7`, `val8`, `val9`, `val10`, `val11`, `timestamp`, `ctime`, `mtime`) values \ (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp()) ON DUPLICATE KEY \ update \ `devid` = ?, \ `val2` = ?, \ `val3` = ?, \ `val4` = ?, \ `val5` = ?, \ `val6` = ?, \ `val7` = ?, \ `val8` = ?, \ `val9` = ?, \ `val10` = ?, \ `val11` = ?, \ `timestamp` = ?, \ `mtime` = unix_timestamp()"; let lp = [config.db.db9, 'lastdata', arr.mac, arr.devid, arr.val2 || '', arr.val3 || '', arr.val4 || '', arr.val5 || '', arr.val6 || '', arr.val7 || '', arr.val8 || '', arr.val9 || '', arr.val10 || '', arr.val11 || '', arr.timestamp || '', arr.devid, arr.val2 || '', arr.val3 || '', arr.val4 || '', arr.val5 || '', arr.val6 || '', arr.val7 || '', arr.val8 || '', arr.val9 || '', arr.val10 || '', arr.val11 || '', arr.timestamp || '' ] pros.push(tool.promiseQuery(res, lq, lp, 'q2')); Promise.all(pros) .then(r => { n() }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); n(); }) }) // n(); }) }) .post('*', async(req, res, n) => { try { res.db = await mysql.getConn(); } catch (e) { console.log(`Get DB Connection ERROR ${e}`); return n('ERR8100'); } n(); }) .post('/getstatus', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); let query = "select w.`name`, w.`mac` as wristband, \ coalesce(l.`name`, l2.`name`) as locname, \ coalesce(case when tmp2.`wlocrtloc` = 'NG' then null else tmp2.`wlocrtloc` end, ll.`devid`) as locid, \ case when tmp2.`wlocrtloc` = 'NG' then 1 else 0 end as loss, \ ll.* \ from ??.?? w \ left join ??.?? tmp2 \ on tmp2.`wlocrtmac` = w.`mac` \ left join ??.?? ll \ on ll.`mac` = w.`mac` \ left join ??.?? l \ on \ l.`serialnumber` = tmp2.`wlocrtloc` \ and tmp2.`wlocrtloc` != 'NG' \ left join ??.?? l2\ on \ l2.`serialnumber` = ll.`devid` \ where \ w.`switch` = 1 "; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband', config.db.db9, 'wlocationrt', config.db.db9, 'lastdata', config.db.db9, 'location', config.db.db9, 'location', ]; let sortfield = ''; let sortorder = ''; if ( && { if ( sortfield =; if ( sortorder =; } switch (sortfield) { case 'mac': case 'val2': case 'val3': case 'val4': case 'val5': case 'val6': case 'val7': case 'val8': case 'val9': case 'val10': case 'val11': query += `order by ll.${sortfield} ${sortorder}`; break; case 'loc': query += `order by locname ${sortorder}`; break; case 'time': query += 'order by ll.`timestamp` ' + sortorder; break; case 'name': query += `order by ${sortorder}`; default: query += 'order by w.`uid`'; break; } res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8000'); res.api_res = { record: tool.checkArray(row) } n(); }) }) .post('/getwristbandlist', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); let query = "select * from ??.?? "; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband']; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8000'); res.api_res = { record: tool.checkArray(row) }; n(); }) }) .post('/delwristband', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n('ERR0028'); res.db.query(`use ${config.db.db9}`); let query = "delete from ??.?? where `uid` = ?"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband',]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8003'); res.api_res = { record: [] }; n(); }); }) .post('/addwristband', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000') if (! return n('ERR0060'); let query = "select count(*) as c from ??.?? where `mac` = ?"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband',]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err || row.length == 0) return rt.err(res, err, n, "ERR8000"); if (row[0].c > 0) return n("ERR0061"); let name = || ''; let identity = || 0; let monitor = || 0; let notify = || 0; let sw = || 0; let u = ''; let obj = so.get(req.headers['x-auth-token']); if (obj != null && 'user' in obj && 'account' in obj.user) { u = obj.user.account; } let query = "insert into ??.?? (`mac`, `name`, `identity`, `monitor`, `notify`, `switch`, `cuser`, `muser`, `ctime`, `mtime`) values \ ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(), unix_timestamp() )"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband',, name, identity, monitor, notify, sw, u, u]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8001'); res.api_res = { record: [] }; n(); }); }) }) .post('/editwristband', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n('ERR0028'); let name = || ''; let identity = || 0; let monitor = || 0; let notify = || 0; let sw = || 0; let u = ''; let obj = so.get(req.headers['x-auth-token']); if (obj != null && 'user' in obj && 'account' in obj.user) { u = obj.user.account; } let query = "update ??.?? set \ `name` = ?, \ `identity` = ?, \ `monitor` = ?, \ `notify` = ?, \ `switch` = ?, \ `muser` = ?, \ `mtime` = unix_timestamp() \ where \ `uid` = ?"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wristband', name, identity, monitor, notify, sw, u,]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8002'); res.api_res = { record: [] } n(); }) }) .post('/getwristbandlocpath', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n('ERR0060'); if (! || ! return n('ERR0015'); let pros = []; let query = "select log.*, dev.`name` as devname \ from ??.?? log \ left join ??.?? dev \ on dev.`serialnumber` = log.`wloclogloc` \ where \ log.`wloclogmac` = ? \ and log.`wloclogtst` >= ? \ and log.`wloclogtst` <= ? \ order by log.`wloclogtst` desc"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'wlocationlog', config.db.db9, 'location',,,]; pros.push(tool.promiseQuery(res, query, param, 'record')); let rtq = "select * from ??.?? where `mac` = ?"; let rtp = [config.db.db9, 'wristband',]; pros.push(tool.promiseQuery(res, rtq, rtp, 'rt')); res.api_res = { record: [], rt: { wristband: [] } } Promise.all(pros) .then(d => { for (let i in d) { let tmp = d[i]; if (tmp.key == 'rt') { res.api_res.rt.wristband = tool.checkArray(; } if (tmp.key == 'record') { res.api_res.record = tool.checkArray(; } } return n(); }) .catch(err => rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8000')); }) .post('/getlocationlist', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); let query = "select * from ??.??"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'location']; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, "ERR8000"); res.api_res = { record: tool.checkArray(row) } n(); }); }) .post('/addlocation', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n("ERR0062"); if (! return n('ERR0026'); let query = "select count(*) as c from ??.?? where `serialnumber` = ?"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'location',]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err || row.length == 0) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8000'); if (row[0].c > 0) return n('ERR0063'); let u = ''; let obj = so.get(req.headers['x-auth-token']); if (obj != null && 'user' in obj && 'account' in obj.user) { u = obj.user.account; } let query = "insert into ??.?? (`name`, `serialnumber`, `cuser`, `ctime`, `muser`, `mtime`) values (?, ?, ?, unix_timestamp(), ?, unix_timestamp())"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'location',,, u, u]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8001'); res.api_res = { record: [] } n(); }); }) }) .post('/editlocation', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n('ERR0028'); if (! return n('ERR0026'); let u = ''; let obj = so.get(req.headers['x-auth-token']); if (obj != null && 'user' in obj && 'account' in obj.user) { u = obj.user.account; } let query = "update ??.?? set \ `name` = ?, \ `muser` = ?, \ `mtime` = unix_timestamp() \ where \ `uid` = ? "; let param = [config.db.db9, 'location',, u,]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8002'); res.api_res = { record: [] }; n(); }) }) .post('/dellocation', (req, res, n) => { if (!config.permission.wristband) return n('ERR9000'); if (!tool.checkPermission(req)) return n('ERR9000'); let arr = req.body; if (! return n('ERR0000'); if (! return n('ERR0028'); res.db.query(`use ${config.db.db9}`); let query = "delete from ??.?? where `uid` = ?"; let param = [config.db.db9, 'location',]; res.db.query(query, param, (err, row) => { if (err) return rt.err(res, err, n, 'ERR8003'); res.api_res = { record: [] } n(); }) }) .all('*', rt.send); module.exports = router;