return { "stevearc/aerial.nvim", keys = { {'', 'AerialToggle', desc = 'toggle aerial window', mode = 'n'}, }, opts = { backends = {"lsp", "treesitter"}, -- optionally use on_attach to set keymaps when aerial has attached to a buffer on_attach = function(bufnr) -- Jump forwards/backwards with '{' and '}' vim.keymap.set('n', '{', 'AerialPrev', {buffer = bufnr}) vim.keymap.set('n', '}', 'AerialNext', {buffer = bufnr}) end, -- filter_kind = false, filter_kind = { "Class", "Constructor", "Enum", "Function", "Interface", "Module", "Method", "Struct", "Variable", "Namespace", "Package", "Field", "Constant", }, --manage_folds = true, link_tree_to_folds = false, -- Show box drawing characters for the tree hierarchy show_guides = true, -- Customize the characters used when show_guides = true guides = { -- When the child item has a sibling below it mid_item = "├─", -- When the child item is the last in the list last_item = "└─", -- When there are nested child guides to the right nested_top = "│ ", -- Raw indentation whitespace = " ", }, } }