// Copyright 2012-present Oliver Eilhard. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-license. // See http://olivere.mit-license.org/license.txt for details. package elastic import "errors" // CompletionSuggester is a fast suggester for e.g. type-ahead completion. // // See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-suggesters-completion.html // for more details. type CompletionSuggester struct { Suggester name string text string prefix string regex string field string analyzer string size *int shardSize *int contextQueries []SuggesterContextQuery payload interface{} fuzzyOptions *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions regexOptions *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions skipDuplicates *bool } // Creates a new completion suggester. func NewCompletionSuggester(name string) *CompletionSuggester { return &CompletionSuggester{ name: name, } } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Name() string { return q.name } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Text(text string) *CompletionSuggester { q.text = text return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Prefix(prefix string) *CompletionSuggester { q.prefix = prefix return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithEditDistance(prefix string, editDistance interface{}) *CompletionSuggester { q.prefix = prefix q.fuzzyOptions = NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions().EditDistance(editDistance) return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) PrefixWithOptions(prefix string, options *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester { q.prefix = prefix q.fuzzyOptions = options return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) FuzzyOptions(options *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester { q.fuzzyOptions = options return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Fuzziness(fuzziness interface{}) *CompletionSuggester { if q.fuzzyOptions == nil { q.fuzzyOptions = NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions() } q.fuzzyOptions = q.fuzzyOptions.EditDistance(fuzziness) return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Regex(regex string) *CompletionSuggester { q.regex = regex return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) RegexWithOptions(regex string, options *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester { q.regex = regex q.regexOptions = options return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) RegexOptions(options *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) *CompletionSuggester { q.regexOptions = options return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) SkipDuplicates(skipDuplicates bool) *CompletionSuggester { q.skipDuplicates = &skipDuplicates return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Field(field string) *CompletionSuggester { q.field = field return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Analyzer(analyzer string) *CompletionSuggester { q.analyzer = analyzer return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) Size(size int) *CompletionSuggester { q.size = &size return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) ShardSize(shardSize int) *CompletionSuggester { q.shardSize = &shardSize return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) ContextQuery(query SuggesterContextQuery) *CompletionSuggester { q.contextQueries = append(q.contextQueries, query) return q } func (q *CompletionSuggester) ContextQueries(queries ...SuggesterContextQuery) *CompletionSuggester { q.contextQueries = append(q.contextQueries, queries...) return q } // completionSuggesterRequest is necessary because the order in which // the JSON elements are routed to Elasticsearch is relevant. // We got into trouble when using plain maps because the text element // needs to go before the completion element. type completionSuggesterRequest struct { Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` Prefix string `json:"prefix,omitempty"` Regex string `json:"regex,omitempty"` Completion interface{} `json:"completion,omitempty"` } // Source creates the JSON data for the completion suggester. func (q *CompletionSuggester) Source(includeName bool) (interface{}, error) { cs := &completionSuggesterRequest{} if q.text != "" { cs.Text = q.text } if q.prefix != "" { cs.Prefix = q.prefix } if q.regex != "" { cs.Regex = q.regex } suggester := make(map[string]interface{}) cs.Completion = suggester if q.analyzer != "" { suggester["analyzer"] = q.analyzer } if q.field != "" { suggester["field"] = q.field } if q.size != nil { suggester["size"] = *q.size } if q.shardSize != nil { suggester["shard_size"] = *q.shardSize } switch len(q.contextQueries) { case 0: case 1: src, err := q.contextQueries[0].Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } suggester["contexts"] = src default: ctxq := make(map[string]interface{}) for _, query := range q.contextQueries { src, err := query.Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Merge the dictionary into ctxq m, ok := src.(map[string]interface{}) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("elastic: context query is not a map") } for k, v := range m { ctxq[k] = v } } suggester["contexts"] = ctxq } // Fuzzy options if q.fuzzyOptions != nil { src, err := q.fuzzyOptions.Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } suggester["fuzzy"] = src } // Regex options if q.regexOptions != nil { src, err := q.regexOptions.Source() if err != nil { return nil, err } suggester["regex"] = src } if q.skipDuplicates != nil { suggester["skip_duplicates"] = *q.skipDuplicates } // TODO(oe) Add completion-suggester specific parameters here if !includeName { return cs, nil } source := make(map[string]interface{}) source[q.name] = cs return source, nil } // -- Fuzzy options -- // FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions represents the options for fuzzy completion suggester. type FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions struct { editDistance interface{} transpositions *bool minLength *int prefixLength *int unicodeAware *bool maxDeterminizedStates *int } // NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions initializes a new FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions instance. func NewFuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions() *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { return &FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions{} } // EditDistance specifies the maximum number of edits, e.g. a number like "1" or "2" // or a string like "0..2" or ">5". // // See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/common-options.html#fuzziness // for details. func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) EditDistance(editDistance interface{}) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.editDistance = editDistance return o } // Transpositions, if set to true, are counted as one change instead of two (defaults to true). func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Transpositions(transpositions bool) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.transpositions = &transpositions return o } // MinLength represents the minimum length of the input before fuzzy suggestions are returned (defaults to 3). func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) MinLength(minLength int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.minLength = &minLength return o } // PrefixLength represents the minimum length of the input, which is not checked for // fuzzy alternatives (defaults to 1). func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) PrefixLength(prefixLength int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.prefixLength = &prefixLength return o } // UnicodeAware, if true, all measurements (like fuzzy edit distance, transpositions, and lengths) // are measured in Unicode code points instead of in bytes. This is slightly slower than // raw bytes, so it is set to false by default. func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) UnicodeAware(unicodeAware bool) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.unicodeAware = &unicodeAware return o } // MaxDeterminizedStates is currently undocumented in Elasticsearch. It represents // the maximum automaton states allowed for fuzzy expansion. func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) MaxDeterminizedStates(max int) *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.maxDeterminizedStates = &max return o } // Source creates the JSON data. func (o *FuzzyCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source() (interface{}, error) { out := make(map[string]interface{}) if o.editDistance != nil { out["fuzziness"] = o.editDistance } if o.transpositions != nil { out["transpositions"] = *o.transpositions } if o.minLength != nil { out["min_length"] = *o.minLength } if o.prefixLength != nil { out["prefix_length"] = *o.prefixLength } if o.unicodeAware != nil { out["unicode_aware"] = *o.unicodeAware } if o.maxDeterminizedStates != nil { out["max_determinized_states"] = *o.maxDeterminizedStates } return out, nil } // -- Regex options -- // RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions represents the options for regex completion suggester. type RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions struct { flags interface{} // string or int maxDeterminizedStates *int } // NewRegexCompletionSuggesterOptions initializes a new RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions instance. func NewRegexCompletionSuggesterOptions() *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions { return &RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions{} } // Flags represents internal regex flags. // Possible flags are ALL (default), ANYSTRING, COMPLEMENT, EMPTY, INTERSECTION, INTERVAL, or NONE. // // See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-suggesters-completion.html#regex // for details. func (o *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) Flags(flags interface{}) *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.flags = flags return o } // MaxDeterminizedStates represents the maximum automaton states allowed for regex expansion. // // See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/search-suggesters-completion.html#regex // for details. func (o *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) MaxDeterminizedStates(max int) *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions { o.maxDeterminizedStates = &max return o } // Source creates the JSON data. func (o *RegexCompletionSuggesterOptions) Source() (interface{}, error) { out := make(map[string]interface{}) if o.flags != nil { out["flags"] = o.flags } if o.maxDeterminizedStates != nil { out["max_determinized_states"] = *o.maxDeterminizedStates } return out, nil }